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The Mayor of Xinmi, C聽她heng Yang, and his delegatio影化n visited the Shangha校費i office of Huaruo Industrial Group f綠來or research.

  On November 21, 2023, 筆舞Cheng Yang, the Deputy Secretary of校理 the Xinmi Municipal P歌媽arty Committee and the Mayor of th匠紅e Municipal Governmen林算t, along with his dele亮喝gation, visited and conducted res低土earch and guidance at 但業the Shanghai office of the 懂有Huaruo Industrial Group. Qiao Yong吧站gang, the General Manager高鄉 of Huaruo Industrial Group, attende謝拿d the meeting, accompanied by perso煙也nnel from the Shanghai office.謝秒  


  In the meeting room o著樹f the Shanghai office,文理 General Manager Qiao Yongga志機ng first introduced the overal服說l situation of Huaruo Indus長雨trial Group's import and書年 export business to Mayor C風你heng. Mayor Cheng highly pra電們ised the development tre師費nd of Huaruo Industrial Gr如藍oup in recent years, en機國couraged the group to co那遠ntinue maintaining a很都 good momentum in the i路鐘mport and export business of it跳日s advantageous products such a放錢s carbon products, refractory mat還風erials, non-ferrous 風化metals, steel, and energy. H筆謝e also urged the group to improve bu道道siness levels and product quality, 遠靜build a good brand im水友age for Huaruo, and contribute 訊裡to the industrial up生科grading and quality improvement 物文of the refractory materials 電裡industry in Xinmi City花路.  


  General Manager Qiao Yongg金高ang provided a special得知 report to Mayor Cheng regarding Hu門但aruo's refractory ma對廠terials products. After lis農商tening to the report, Mayor C不討heng introduced the development of the 街東refractory materials industry in 少些Xinmi City and shared the re裡農levant measures taken by the municipal 又空government in recent years to supp信術ort industrial development.人爸 Regarding the challenges笑下 faced by Huaruo's refract少知ory material export bu訊工siness and the issues that have a對高risen, Mayor Cheng o少空ffered comments, analysis, and profe國道ssional guidance. After affirm子微ing the achievements of Huaruo&#化司39;s refractory material export歌區s, Mayor Cheng expressed 明匠new hopes for the business, putt子紙ing forward new requirement謝購s and expectations. H朋土e hoped that Huaruo Industrial Group輛習 would continue to play a le國河ading role in the field of refrac車湖tory materials, seiz到去e the new opportunities for i動山ndustrial upgrading and policy sup火腦port in Xinmi City, and drive the high從老-quality development of the refr費姐actory materials indus紙飛try in Xinmi City through export s金小ales and brand building. Mayor Cheng河算 and Huaruo are committed to joi花年ntly creating a posi小場tive image for the manufacturin船讀g of refractory materials in Xinmi跳可.

  Jiao Chengju, de行姐puty mayor of Xinmi City, Wang Ji那跳an, director of the mun妹技icipal government offic喝理e, Yang Xiaohui, director花從 of the Municipal Commerce Bureau, Liu體們 Hongyu, deputy directo煙有r, Zhou Hao, deputy director of the 醫船Information Center of the Municip男美al Government Office, and 爸海others participated in the research an們志d meetings.

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