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Anode carbon block


Anode carbon block is 長劇made of petroleum coke and asphalt媽的 coke as aggregate and coal asphalt as志土 binder, which is used as anode mat木見erial for pre-baked 好日aluminum electrolytic cell. This愛聽 kind of carbon block has been ro光低asted and has stable geome
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       Anode c睡懂arbon block is made of熱樂 petroleum coke and Pit地冷ch coke as aggregate and coal tar pit區務ch as binder, which is us答能ed as anode material for pre-baked alum答坐inum electrolytic cell.術歌 This kind of carbon block has be慢數en roasted and has stable geometry, so但自 it is also called pre-bake好業d anode carbon block討吧, and is also called carbon anode fo信花r aluminum electrolysis.
Anode carbon block is made of pe月在troleum coke and asphalt coke as aggr電兒egate and coal asphalt as binder, w離知hich is used as anode materi動日al for pre-baked aluminum el作樂ectrolytic cell. This ki下我nd of carbon block ha歌妹s been roasted and has s秒裡table geome

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