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High Power Graphite 間少Electrode (HP)


High power graphite 媽匠electrode (HP): High-power g科相raphite electrodes are 請理widely used in the yellow phosphor湖刀us and abrasive industries.微科 Yellow phosphorus is used in弟做 the production of phosphate fertilizer她民s, phosphoric acid, phos村熱phate and phosph
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  • Introduction
  • Application
High power graphite electrodes are wid媽去ely used mainly phosphors and abrasive麗得s industry, phosphorus fo麗樂r the production of phosphat作樂e, phosphoric acid, phosphat腦志e, and phosphate products, abrasi體醫ve high temperature re為一sistance, erosion, corrosion resi上近stance and other properties, 公看and its products are wid廠窗ely used in metallurgy, ceram拿化ics, building materials花新 and many other fields, with 呢會other products not being replaced 現她function.
High power graphite elect從放rode (HP): High-power graphi什關te electrodes are widely us了慢ed in the yellow phosphorus a我司nd abrasive industries.購區 Yellow phosphorus is used in the p玩中roduction of phosphate fertilize匠船rs, phosphoric acid, phosphate低下 and phosph

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